How To Use A Dab Rig

If you’re a fan of marijuana, THC, Delta-8, CBD, or HHC, you may be familiar with the term “dabbing.” At Baked Brothers, we’re the go-to resource on all THC-related topics including how to use a dab rig effectively and safely. Check out how to use a dab rig along with some helpful tips.

How To Use A Dab Rig

Dabbing is a method of consuming cannabis concentrates that has become increasingly popular in recent years. The process involves heating a small amount of concentrated marijuana, also known as a “dab,” on a heated surface and inhaling the vapor. To accomplish this, you’ll need a dab rig. 

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

Before you start using a dab rig, you’ll need to gather all the necessary supplies. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Dab Rig: This is the device you’ll use to vaporize your concentrates such as CBD, THC, Delta-8, or HHC. A dab rig consists of a water pipe, a nail, a dome, and a torch. You can purchase a dab rig at a smoke shop or online.
  • Concentrate: You’ll need cannabis concentrate to use in your dab rig. There are many different types of concentrates available, including wax, shatter, and budder. Choose a concentrate that suits your preferences.
  • Nail: The nail is the part of the dab rig that you’ll heat up to vaporize your concentrate. You can purchase nails made from glass, quartz, titanium, or ceramic.
  • Dome: The dome is the part of the dab rig that covers the nail and helps to contain the vapor. Not all dab rigs require a dome, but if yours does, make sure to have one on hand.
  • Torch: You’ll need a torch to heat up the nail. You can use a butane torch or a propane torch.

Step 2: Prepare Your Dab Rig

Once you’ve gathered your supplies, it’s time to prepare your dab rig. Start by filling the water pipe with enough water to cover the percolator. Then, attach the nail to the water pipe. If your dab rig requires a dome, place it over the nail.

Step 3: Heat the Nail

Using your torch, heat the nail until it’s red hot. You want the nail to be hot enough to vaporize the concentrate but not so hot that it combusts. Once the nail is hot, turn off the torch and let it cool for a few seconds.

Step 4: Apply the Concentrate

Take a small amount of concentrate, this could be THC, Delta-8, HHC, or CBD, and place it onto the nail using a dabber tool. Be careful not to touch the nail with the dabber tool, as it will be very hot. Once you’ve applied the concentrate, inhale slowly through the mouthpiece of the dab rig.

Step 5: Clean Your Dab Rig

After using your dab rig, it’s important to clean it thoroughly. Use a cotton swab to remove any residue from the nail and dome. Rinse the water pipe with warm water and let it dry completely before using it again.

Find your High at Baked Brothers

At Baked Brothers, we believe that using a dab rig to consume cannabis concentrates can be an enjoyable and effective way to get high. Cruise on over to the online store today to find the right product for you. Happy dabbing!

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